Delivery FAQ

What is the Delivery Time for any purchase made online?

Order now and get your shipment within 2- 7 working days.

How much do I pay for a delivery? & what is the minimum amount of purchase required for free delivery?

Standard Delivery is free with a minimum purchase of MK 200,000 within Blantyre, anything out of Blantyre will have an additional charge.

Is there any limit on the weight of the products that are purchased online?

No, there is no limit

What if i receive an incorrect product? Can the correct product be delivered on priority?

Yes, it will be scheduled for delivery the following day or within 48hrs.

How can I fix a delivery schedule?

To Schedule a delivery, you can simply contact our customer care team through WhatsApp, or phone call.

Can someone else receive the delivery on my behalf? And can I nominate that person prior to the delivery?

Yes, you can.

Do I need to assemble the furniture by myself?

At Home Zone, we provide free installation for all our products within Blantyre, and out of Blantyre will attract a cost, which will be used to provide transport facility for our carpenter.

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